
Ondřej Nezbeda: A Practical Guide to 20th-century Heroes

Ondřej Nezbeda was born in Prague in 1979. He holds a degree in biology and physical education from Charles University in Prague, and has worked as a meteorologist at the Milešovka mountain observation in the Central Bohemia Uplands. He also wrote for the Respekt weekly magazine and, at the moment, works for the Cesta domů NGO. Nezbeda co-authored the book Příběhy hrdinů 20. století. Paměť národa [Stories of the Heroes of the 20th Century. Memories of a Nation] (2016) and wrote Průvodce smrtelníka. Prakticky o posledních věcech člověka [A Mortal’s Guide. A Practical Guide to the Last Affairs of Man] (2016).