
Jiří Hájíček: Urgently as Rain…

Novelist and short story writer Jiří Hájíček was born in 1967 in České Budějovice. He studied at the local College of Agriculture and has been working as a bank clerk since 1993. A novelist by soul and realist by style, the recurring theme in his work are post-WWII memories of South Bohemian villages. He is known for his short stories (Vzpomínky na jednu veselou tancovačku [Memories of One Curious Village Dance Party], 2014), novelettes (Fotbalové deníky [The Football Diaries], 2007) and especially for his novels – Zloději zelených koní [The Green Horse Rustlers] (2001, made into a film in 2016), Dobrodruzi hlavního proudu [Mainstream Adventurers] (2002), Selský baroko [Rural Baroque] (2005), Rybí krev [Fish Blood] (2012) and Dešťová hůl [The Rain Stick] (2016).